Plant-Based Medicine: Grown Right. Cured Right. Packaged Right.

You deserve to know what you are putting into your body, and we stand behind our products. Due to our commitment to science, to people, and to quality, all of Tennessee Hemp Store products go through two phases of testing: in house and third party.

For transparency into the chemical components of our products, first-party and third-party laboratory testing goes far beyond what is on the label. A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a lab report on the chemical properties of the product being tested. The COA verifies the amount of compounds present in the product. Our thorough testing processes include screening for:

Heavy Metals
Other Contaminants

The Certificates of Analysis (COA), also known as labs, help ensure (to you and to us) that products are manufactured to specification.

Review the Certificates of Analysis (COA) lab reports on our products at: Certificates of Analysis (